My Kind of Dad
Synopsis by: Mohamed boto
Playwright & Executive Producer – Michael G Carr
The undesirable appellation “Dead-Beat” is a rather familiar one to all of us! It is used to describe a father who fails to uphold his paren- tal responsibilities. Since the dead-beat is the exception – and hardly the rule, My Kinda Dad (MKAD) is an artistic effort to accentuate how answerable and compassionate fathers still go unrecognized. Often, they are even discredited as they are comparatively judged. Such common and unsound judgment is lived through the eyes and heart of Kevin Harris – one of My Kinda Dad’s chief characters, a 16 -year old boy whose father is a remarkable individual; yet Kevin dreams of and yearns for the “ideal” father that his best friend Charles Tucker has. MKAD exhibits an unsung father, who chooses to suffer in silence and grapples courageously with one obstacle after another. While the son Kevin has yet to gain the wisdom prerequisite to assessing a man’s role and merit, the father remains rightfully stub- born not to engage any of his charges, including Kevin, in circumstantial challenges inherent in the role of being a father.
Suddenly MKAD takes a brilliantly dramatic turn, as throughout the production both families alludes and references a 3rd family of whom in today’s POP CULTURE yet strives to be accepted as part of the norm. The production provokes conversation in both the homes & religious institutions that otherwise would separate. MY KINDA DAD, enlightens us ALL of the importance FATHERS ARE! At the end of the day, “FATHERS MATTER”!
Regardless of what side of the fence one may stand on, every child, boy and girl deserves a loving father experience. When seen through the lens of LOVE, MKAD brilliantly addresses the LGTBQ community and its plight.
You do NOT; I repeat DO NOT want to miss this amazing groundbreaking stage production! Finally INITIALS addresses and invites families on every spectrum to take the plunge and know that “FATHERS MATTER”!